In under 5 minutes, you can start your journey towards a Hazard Free Home! There will be no deduction from your compensation by Tenant Assist Limited.
Simply complete the minimum questions fields on this form (marked with a * symbol), but if you want the FASTRACK OPTION (which will accelerate your case) insert/upload more detail comprising:-
Proof of your identity and/or
Images of the issues worrying you.
Legally, we need your signed authority so that we can progress matters; this is included in the Start A Claim process below. If you wish, you can also sign the Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA) form. A signed CFA is a legal requirement for the assigned solicitors to act: as there is a 14-day cooling-off period, should you later change your mind, there is nothing to lose in signing up now!
We have designed a ‘Referral Code’ process that can deliver income for you: simply introduce to us somebody who successfully deserved a Hazard Free Home. We are here to help all Tenants who are not being fairly treated by their Landlord as the law demands.